Ben Lamb Poker Weight Loss

I experienced one of the best years of my life in 2013. I won a World Series of Poker gold bracelet, which was truly a dream come true. Plus, with more than $100,000 in tournament cashes, I was able to improve my financial status significantly. As 2014 rolled around, I asked myself, “What could possibly make the new year better than the last?”

The only tangible answer I could come up with was losing weight, something I’d struggled with the majority of my life. When I won my bracelet, I wasn’t exactly in good shape. In fact, I was grossly overweight. Click here for my winner’s photo to see just what I’m talking about. I was lethargic, depressed, and I’ve no doubt if the tournament was longer than two days I would have crumbled, both physically and mentally.

Pius Heinz vs. Martin Staszko. The score is 55 to 108 to 43 ball on the 600k/1.2mm yard line. The Pius Heinz fans are singing songs in 57 varieties of central European big hairy Sasquatch is tromping through the crowd giving WSOP fist-bumps and the Ben Lamb camp is hootin’ it up something fierce. Nov 01, 2011  Ben Lamb never expected to make another deep run in the WSOP main event, but his dedication to the game led him to November. As he made his way through the world's largest poker tournament. Dec 22, 2018  Check out the many compelling poker stories that did not make the PokerNews top ten of 2018. We review the stories that defined the news, but didn't make the cut.

I knew if I wanted my poker success to continue, I needed to follow in the footsteps of Chris Moorman, Jonathan Little, Ben Lamb, Marvin Rettenmaier, and Matt Vengrin — just a small sample of pros who’ve lost weight and made health a priority in their lives. Each of those men subsequently experienced an uptick in both lifestyle and poker success, so it seemed to me only good things could come from losing weight. Here’s my story...

I’ve always been a big kid, and by the time I was 22 I had ballooned up to 286 lbs. When I was 23, I met a girl and was inspired to lose weight. Amazingly I managed to lose 113 lbs. and dropped down to 173 lbs., which in hindsight was probably a little too low. Anyway, It was great, that is until the girl left and the weight started to come back. It was a slow process, but over the next few years I lost all momentum and confidence. By the time of my bracelet win I was back up to 269 lbs.

It’s not easy to admit publicly, but putting the weight back on is one of the biggest shames of my life. I hated myself for it on a daily basis, and was embarrassed to see old family and friends. I desperately wanted to change, but try as I might I was unable to lose weight. I couldn’t do it. Food had become an addiction for me. It was my favorite drug.

When I lost at poker I’d swing by the McDonald’s drive thru on the way home. When I was feeling down, a pack of Oreos would make me feel better, if only temporarily. I hate to quote Austin Powers’ Fat Bastard, but for me it was a truth: “I can’t stop eating. I eat because I’m unhappy, and I’m unhappy because I eat. It’s a vicious cycle.”

When I lost weight the first time in my early 20s, I did it for the wrong reason — a girl. In my early 30s, I didn’t have that motivation and just couldn’t find the strength to do it myself. Then, in late January 2014, something changed. My local gym, where I had toiled fruitlessly for years, closed down and I was forced to join a new place in town, Anytime Fitness.

After signing a contract (something I hate to do), they offered a free body assessment. I took them up on it on Feb. 18, and little did I know that would be the day I’d take the first step toward healthy living. You see, upon completion of the assessment you’re obliged to hear a sales pitch offering personal training sessions. Being the skeptic and frugal person that I am, I wasn’t into the $50 per session and having to sign up for at least 12 sessions at a time. Still, I stayed there and politely listened. Then, out of nowhere, I remembered my desire to improve upon 2013.


“You want to lose weight and get healthy more than anything in the world, yet you’re not willing to put your money where you mouth is,” I thought to myself. “Are you truly going to let this control your life?”

Money is a strong motivator, and I hate when it goes to waste. I knew if I signed up for personal training sessions I’d be at least somewhat motivated to get my money’s worth. I did the impulsive thing and pulled the trigger, laying down nearly $1,800 for 36 PT sessions. It was a start.

Over the next 10 months I tried my best. The workouts were grueling. My bones and muscles ached constantly. My lungs wanted to explode every time I stepped on the treadmill. Like everyone, I wanted immediate results, but I trusted that if I worked hard every day y I’d eventually get to where I wanted to be. I changed my eating habits. Processed foods and sugar became the enemy, chicken and fish my best friends.

As the weeks and months went by I found old habits replaced by new ones. For the first time in a long time I started to respect the man looking back at me in the mirror.

When I went out to Vegas for the 2014 WSOP, I was lucky to have an Anytime Fitness a few blocks from my lodgings. Despite the 12+-hour workdays I put in for PokerNews, I made a commitment of working out everyday. I was bound and determined to go home weighing much less than when I left. Almost every day in June I rolled out of bed, slipped into my workout clothes, and got it done. I hated it at the time (I wanted that sweet sleep so bad), but there’s no doubt sticking to that commitment made me stronger. Of course coming down with pneumonia at the beginning of July derailed me.

The next few months were filled with ups and downs, or rather self-introduced roadblocks, that plateaued my weight. I was working out regularly (by this time it became somewhat enjoyable), but some of my bad eating habits — pizza and cookies will forever be a weakness — managed to creep back in. Come December and with 2015 rapidly approaching, I wanted to end the year on a high note. My goal has always been to get back under 200 lbs., and sitting at 219 lbs. it seemed within reach. If I worked out everyday, ate right, and cut out the alcohol, I thought there just might be a chance. I had a new goal.

I struggled mightily at times, but I did manage to hit the gym for at least an hour every day for 31 days straight. I also ate healthy and avoided the drink, despite the holidays with family. Unfortunately I didn’t get to “One-derland” — I weighed in at 209 lbs. on Dec. 31 — but I didn’t let that deter me or take away from my accomplishments. It simply became my new goal for January.

Here’s a look at the progress I made in 2014. The picture on the left was me on that February day I took my initial health assessment, and the one on the right was me on Dec. 31, 2014.

Making personal changes is never easy. When it comes to poker most of us know the things holding us back, be it unhealthy living, tilt, leaks, or what have you. But not everyone knows how to change these things for the better. Even if they do, finding the motivation and discipline to do so easier said than done. Believe me, I know. I also know that anything is possible with enough time and dedication.

Entering the new year, I hope to continue upon the road of healthy living while playing more poker. In 2014, I sacrificed the latter in favor of the former, but the time has come to find a balance. Discipline, dedication, and drive are just a few of the things I’ve learned throughout my weight-loss journey, and I know each will serve me well as I set my sights upon poker success in 2015.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I’d like to get in touch with and forgive... myself.”

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Six months after taking down the biggest event in poker, World Series of Poker Main Event champion Scott Blumstein is ready to go on a run again. This next step in life will not be a run at the poker table however. He’s got some real running in mind – in the fitness sense.

“The one thing I'm focusing on now is my health,” he says. “That's why I've been a little bit off the grid. I'm going to be doing some kind of content based around my weight loss. I think that's kind of where the next step is going to be.”

Focused on Fitness

Weight loss challenges and social media fitness posts are nothing new in the poker world, but Blumstein is taking the opportunity to benefit himself and possibly motivate others. A native of Morristown, N.J., the 25-year-old poker pro grew up playing football and started on the offensive line for the Morristown High School Colonials during his junior and senior years.

“The one thing I'm focusing on now is my health,”

While there is not yet a name for the new show or many concrete details, Blumstein offered a few ideas for what is planned.

“I am temporarily renting a place down in San Diego, California, with a couple buddies who all play their role in trying to help me get in shape,” he says. “Every ounce of my energy and strength is going toward that these days. That's like the main plot of my life going forward. Poker will just be a part of that when I can and when I see fit.”

Blumstein has battled weight issues much of his life, but had been working on it before the Main Event. Winning the title and the $8.15 million put that focus on hold a bit.


“I’ve always been a bigger guy,” he says. “The funny part was that a couple weeks before the Main Event, when I was back home, was the most successful I’d ever been as far as getting healthy and losing weight. And then the Main Event got in the way of that, so afterward it was more party and celebration. I kind of lost sight of what I needed to do.

“But I gave myself six months to enjoy it and now it’s time to dive in and get to work. It’s always been important to me. It’s always been something that I needed to do and now it’s time. We're going to see how it goes.”

Life After the WSOP

Ben Lamb Poker

Many poker players dream to be in Blumstein’s shoes. Poker fame, newfound wealth, and plenty of opportunities to hit the tables. In the months since his victory and after relocating to Las Vegas, Blumstein hit the road.


In August, he played the WPT-Choctaw and said it has become one of his goals to win a WPT title. He later played in Florida, Maryland, and then the WPT Five Diamond Classic at the Bellagio in December. Hitting the road has allowed Blumstein to dip his toe in even more major buy-in events.

“It was my second $10,000 buy-in ever at the Bellagio,” Blumstein says. “And that was a really fun experience because that was probably the first non-Main Event legit tournament that I’ve played. I'm trying to find a good balance. I want to play poker, and play better structured tournaments going forward.”

So far, Blumstein has chosen events in the U.S. with no real interest in traveling too much. Over the holidays, he got back to New Jersey to spend some time with family.

With the new weight-loss show on the horizon, poker will not be front and center – including sponsorships. His deal with 888 Poker was not long-term and he is now without a sponsor unless something else comes about from the new show. But he is certainly not finished with poker.

Blumstein looks to the positive and is really enjoying his time as WSOP champ. This month, he plans on getting in on some of the action at the L.A. Poker Classic including appearances on “Live at the Bike” Feb. 6-9.

“I am definitely excited to play my first streamed poker cash game,” he says. “I haven’t really done that yet. So that’s the plan for right now.”

Tune in this week for Scott Blumstein Week on @LIVEattheBike!

— Live at the Bike! (@LIVEattheBike)

Money Talk

Becoming a sudden millionaire comes with many temptations for a young man. However, Blumstein has resisted the need to make many major purchases or lifestyle changes.

“The only purchases that I made is that I bought a vehicle, a nice little Hyundai Santa Fe,” Blumstein says. “It's nothing special but it fits me. Other than that, I haven't really done too much buying.”

Much of his money remains in the bank. In the past, Blumstein has considered some real estate investments, but that has been put on hold for now.

“As far as business goes, that has taken a little bit of a back seat,” he says. “I've got a couple things going that are in the early stages, but I'm just kind of playing it out. I don't want to make any rash decisions. I'm still pretty young. I don't think there's any reason to jump into things, and if a good opportunity comes along, I'll look to take it.

Ben Lamb Poker Interview

'I'm not really into money accumulation mode, I’m just trying to get healthy.'

“Real estate was a safe plan, but I haven't bought any property yet. Right now, my priority is on strictly losing weight. I'm not really into money accumulation mode, I’m just trying to get healthy. And hopefully everything else will fall into line afterward.”

What advice would he offer other players who score a major win and pile of cash? Blumstein offers some insight one might hear on the Dave Ramsey radio show, and believes everyone could do better managing their personal finances – not just a bracelet winner.

“The first thing is to definitely don’t be shy about asking for help,” he says. “You’ve got to check your ego at the door. I knew that I probably couldn’t do it on my own. I don’t want to make dumb decisions and because of that, I have a nice support team around me. Try to get guidance. There are people out there who it is literally their job to manage money and help you be better with your funds and make better decisions. I think, in general, as a society we need to just kind of get better in our decision making and how we view money and making it last.”

A Series Summer

With the World Series approaching in late-May and 78 bracelets up for grabs, Blumstein is looking forward to getting back in action.

“I’m definitely looking forward to the World Series this summer,” he says. “The truth is, I never really got to experience a summer [at the WSOP] – at least a lengthy one. I’ve been out there for a week here, two weeks there, but I’ve never been out there for more than that, so I’m definitely looking forward to spending the whole summer out in Vegas and playing some poker.”

However, Blumstein hasn’t mapped out any specific tournaments that interest him yet. He wants to play regularly, but not get burned out. Not spending the entire summer of 2017 at the WSOP served as an advantage in later stages of Main Event, he believes.

“Because I wasn’t out there the whole summer, I think I was fresh for the Main Event,” he says. “I wasn’t dragged out like a lot of these pros who had been playing all summer. I’m definitely going to go out there. Am I going to play every day? No. I’m just going to take it easy and if I feel like playing poker I’ll play poker.”

'Unfortunately, I didn’t get to get too close with anyone at the final table in that sense, but we definitely bonded and when we meet up we’ll converse.'

One regret from the WSOP was that he wasn’t able to bond and keep in contact with many of the other final table players. He has spoken with John Hesp (fourth-place finisher) a few times and the two exchanged holiday wishes. He would even like to travel to England for a visit at some point.

In the last few months, Blumstein has also crossed paths with Main Event runner-up Ben Ott a couple times.

“We had a nice lengthy conversation and Dan’s a really nice guy,” he says. “Our stories are kind of similar and we’re kind of shocked to be in this situation we are in. We can definitely relate. And if I run into any of the other guys, I’m sure we’ll be able to pick it up like it’s nothing.

“One thing that’s interesting is because the November Nine doesn’t exist anymore, people used to have a couple months doing press junkets and all that stuff. I feel like because of that, you became a little closer with the final table. We played and were on our way. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to get too close with anyone at the final table in that sense, but we definitely bonded and when we meet up we’ll converse.”

One unforeseen positive from winning has been meeting interesting people in his poker travels and do some things he might never have been able to do.

“Just the ability to do things, to have the opportunity to meet people that I respect and look up to is so cool,” Blumstein says. “Getting to meet a guy like Norm MacDonald, who’s probably my favorite comedian. Really at the end of the day, that’s kind of been the best part; the experiences and meeting people you respect. That’s kind of what matters – human interaction.”

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