Dragon Quest 4 Pioneer Town Casino

Immigrant Town
GameDragon Quest IV
Old localization{{{old}}}

The Cascade Cave is an optional dungeon in Dragon Quest IV. (Cell phone version), two people will appear in the cave who can be invited to Pioneer Town: Carla, who can be found on the first floor. Streo Louse, who is found along the path on the second floor.

The Pioneer Town (originally Immigrant Town) is a town that can be created by the player in the Sony PlayStation & Nintendo DS version of Dragon Quest IV. It's started by Hank Hoffman Jr. after he leaves The Hero's group in the area occupied by the Desert Bazaar.

  • 3Nintendo DS Version
    • 3.2Stage One
    • 3.3Stage Two
    • 3.4Stage Three
    • 3.5Stage Four
    • 3.6Final Stage (Chapter Six only)
  • 4iOS, Mobile and Android


After his apprenticeship with Conrad Hilton in Mintos, Hank Hoffman Jr. asks The Hero to look around the world to invite people to help in making the field into a town. To start this side quest go to the 'town' that is where the Desert Bazaar, which will be renamed Hoffman's Place after you talk to Hoffman, and talk to him.

Playstation Version[edit]

Nintendo DS Version[edit]

Nearby enemies[edit]

Stage One[edit]

Triggered by inviting a nun from the church in Laissez Fayre. Changes include:

  • The addition of a house with a field. Said house is occupied by couples Rocky and Adrian.
  • An item shop is built.
  • Hoffman's House is built right outside of town [strange how it wasn't there when you warped there, huh?]. This is where you can use the church features and Hoffman asks you to give input on a town name.


  • 2 Mini medals


Item Shop
Medicinal herb8
Antidotal herb10
Chimaera wing25

Stage Two[edit]

Triggered by selecting a pioneer for a chance encounter and obtaining the Ultimate key. Afterwards talk to Rocky and head to the church in Burland to invite a man named Bones and a bard at the Inn named Prelvis Esley. Changes include:

  • An outdoor church being set up.
  • An Inn is built.
  • Another house has been built.


  • 2 Mini medals
  • Antidotal herb


Item Shop
Medicinal herb8
Antidotal herb10
Chimaera wing25


Price per person
4 Gold Coins

Stage Three[edit]

Triggered by defeating Estark and talking to Prelvis Esley.

Afterwards, go to the Cascade Cave. A woman named Carla is on the first floor, with a man named Streo Louse along the pathway on the next floor. Changes include:

Dragon Quest 11 Monster Casino

  • The church is now a building
  • Another item shop is built


  • 3 Mini medals
  • 73 Gold Coins


Item Shop 1
Medicinal herb8
Antidotal herb10
Chimaera wing25
Moonwort bulb30
Holy water20
Item Shop 2
Bunny Tail230Luck +8
Gold bracer350Defense +5
Lucida shard500Luck +5

Dragon Quest 11 Casinos


Price per person
4 Gold Coins

Stage Four[edit]

Triggered by meeting the Zenith Dragon and then talking to Zack (behind the counter in the shop building). Go to the jail in Strathbaile, then free the Slime Mary Curey and invite her. Changes include:

  • There's now a cellar above the Inn.
  • The Inn has a fenced yard on the right.
  • A Pioneeratorium is built.


  • 3 Mini medals
  • 370 Gold Coins


Item Shop 1
Medicinal herb8
Antidotal herb10
Chimaera wing25
Moonwort bulb30
Holy water20
Item Shop 2
Bunny Tail230Luck +8
Gold bracer350Defense +5
Mercury's bandana650Agility +15
Strength ring880Strength +8
Conjuration Bracer10,000
Armour Shop
Iron armour1,200Defense +30
Spangled dress2,000Defense +40
Flowing dress15,000Defense +43
Power shield13,000Defense +40
Iron mask3,500Defense +25


Price per person
10 Gold Coins

Final Stage (Chapter Six only)[edit]

Triggered by defeating Psaro and talking to Princess Pam (in the Inn) and Rocky.

Go to the Inn at Laissez Fayre to invite the soldier, and then go to the Pub at Havre Léon to invite the King. Changes include:

  • The town becoming a castle with a Casino, Inn and Shops.


  • 5 Mini medals
  • Sultan's Body
  • Sultan's Heart


Item Shop
Dream blade8,000Attack +60
Dragonsbane15,000Attack +90
Miracle sword31,000Attack +100
Flail of destruction65,000Attack +115
Angel leotard13,000Defense +60
Mighty armlet37,000Attack +25
Armour Shop
Full plate armour2.300Defense +35
Dragon mail5,200Defense +45
Flowing dress15,000Defense +43
Tempest shield20,000Defense +50
Iron mask3,500Defense +25


Price per person
15 Gold Coins

Casino Prizes[edit]

Pioneer Casino Prizes

Kamikazee bracer50015 defence, and casts Kamikazee if the wearer is defeated
Magical skirt100045 defence, protects against magical attacks. Can only be worn by female characters.
Thalian staff300033 attack
Ra's Mirror10000Reverts shapeshifters
Liquid Metal Helm10000050 defence, and protects against confusion, paralysis, and sleep.
Gospel Ring25000050 luck, avoids encounters

iOS, Mobile and Android[edit]

Unlike the change from the PS1 to the DS version, the phone versions keep the details of the town the same with some acceleration of building the town and other details allowing for completeion within Chapter 5.


Stage One[edit]

Triggered by inviting a nun from the church in Laissez Fayre. Afterwards, Hank will point the party to couples Rocky and Adrian in Mintos in the Inn and Church respectfully. After returning to the field, Hank wonders how Conrad Hilton has been since his departure. The party returns to Mintos again to inform him of Hank's town, with the old man offering the services of a merchant who is south of the three shops in town. Changes include:

  • The addition of a house with a field. Said house is occupied by Rocky and Adrian.
  • An item shop is built.
  • Hoffman's House is built right outside of town [strange how it wasn't there when you warped there, huh?]. This is where you can use the church features and Hoffman asks you to give input on a town name.

Stage Two[edit]

Triggered by defeating the boss at Zamoksva. Afterwards talk to Rocky and head to the church in Burland to invite a man named Bones and a bard at the Inn named Prelvis Esley. Following that, Bones will direct the party to a woman and her dog at Canalot. Changes include:

  • An outdoor church being set up.
  • An Inn is built.
  • Another house has been built.

Stage Three[edit]

Triggered by obtaining the Ultimate Key and talking to Prelvis Esley.

Afterwards, go to the Cascade Cave. A woman named Carla is on the first floor, with a man named Streo Louse along the pathway on the next floor. Following that Streo points the party to a weaver named Zack at Riverton, who in turn brings up a dwarf in Rosehill who wants to become a priest in a church. Changes include:

  • The church is now a building
  • Another item shop is built

Stage Four[edit]

Dragon Quest 11 Towns

Triggered after defeating Estark and then talking to Zack (behind the counter in the shop building). Go to the jail in Strathbaile, then free the Slime Mary Curey and invite her. Additionally Archie O'Logist despite being at the entrance of the town still asks to be recruited, as well as pointing the party to Princess Pam at the EndorCasino. Changes include:

Dragon Quest 3 New Town

  • There's now a cellar above the Inn.
  • The Inn has a fenced yard on the right.
  • A Pioneeratorium is built.

Final stage[edit]

Triggered by meeting the Zenith Dragon and talking to Princess Pam (in the Inn) and Rocky.

Dragon Quest 11 Casino Locations

Go to the Inn at Laissez Fayre to invite the soldier, and then go to the Pub at Havre Léon to invite the King. Changes include:

  • The town becoming a castle with a Casino, Inn and Shops.

See Also[edit]

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