Pitch Black Tortures Jack Frost Fanfiction

This is my first time on here. If you don't like this... Well, let's just say I couldn't care less. :) If there are any errors feel free to say so and I appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I do not own ROTG blah blah blah. Well. On with the show:

Pitch black kidnaps jack frost fanfic

Mar 29, 2013  “Black iceso Jack is the one behind all of this.” A small whine sounded from the distance. Pitch snapped his head up at the familiar sound and quickly shifted into shadows once more, reappearing at the top of a tree, looking down at the small battle that took place. Below Jack Frost shot a bolt of ice towards one of his missing nightmares.

Itwas that time of year again. The time just after Easter, when both North and Bunnymund could relax for a while. Tooth, also, wasn't quite as busy as usual. Sandman was just as busy as always, but he managed to fit some relaxing in with the rest of the Guardians.

Jack frost x pitch black

Jack, who was almost never busy, was nowhere to be seen.

'Has anybody heard recently of Jack?' North asked. The rest of the Guardians shook their heads.

'Haven't seen him for a while,' Bunnymund stated. 'Nearly three days now.'

'Should we go look for him?' Tooth asked, concerned. 'I mean, none of us are busy at the minute, and I'd hate to see him hurt unnecessarily.' Her suggestion was met with nods of agreement.

'We take sleigh? Bunny?' Bunnymund groaned but eventually was persuaded.

2 days earlier.

Jack X Pitch Fanfiction

Jack swooped and soared through the blizzard he had created. He was at his peak of happiness, when, all of a sudden, the blizzard stopped. Just... stopped. He glanced around. There was no one in sight. Jack lowered himself so he was just able to touch the tops of trees in the forest in Burgess, where he was drowned and brought back as Jack Frost by the Man in the Moon.

Jack Frost Abused Fanfiction

He saw movement directly below him, and before he knew it the tree he was perched in wobbled so violently he fell off. He was too surprised to tell himself to fly, so he fell on the hard mud with a worrying crack. He cried out and reached for his staff, only for his hand to be stamped on by a big black boot.

Pitch Black Tortures Jack Frost Fanfiction

Wincing, Jack looked up.


Jack Frost X Pitch Mpreg

OOOHHHH. Sorry it's left on such a cliffhanger, but I'm just getting used to the website and trying out the stuff. I will post the next bit ASAP. It will get very action-y and gory ;) (ASAP means most likely tonight)