Wheel Of Fortune Game Answer Pic My Room

Well, let me “set the stage” for you. It is a stage, brightly lit, in front of hun­dreds of peo­ple. Five peo­ple are cho­sen as “contestants” in a mini Wheel of For­tune game. We have our pic­tures taken while wait­ing for the pre­vi­ous audi­tioners to fin­ish their game. Mis­take #1: I’m too ner­vous to smile prop­erly for the cam­era!

Wheel Of Fortune Game Answer Pic My RoomTonight

Wheel Of Fortune Answers Key

Next, we line up for the game. Marty Lub­lik is the host (did I spell that right?), and Heidi Jack­son (last name?) is the Let­ter Girl. They have quite a job. Marty has to enter­tain the audi­ence, inter­view each audi­tioner and M.C. the game all at the same time. Heidi doesn’t just “turn” the let­ters. She sets up the puz­zle board (and the clue) before each mini game. She keeps the puz­zle solu­tion handy so she can write the guessed let­ters in their places. When she’s not doing those things, she’s “model­ing”.

I don’t know who hired these two, but who­ever did was on the ball. Marty did a great job cov­er­ing for my defi­cien­cies. When I looked down (at the micro­phone), he raised it so that my head was up (I didn’t real­ize until after­ward — my mis­take #2!) When I spoke too quietly, he moved the mic right up to my mouth. He even man­aged to make me smile (spon­ta­ne­ously) dur­ing my inter­view.

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Wheel Of Fortune Puzzles Answers

Heidi was flaw­less. So was her per­for­mance.